Importance of EIP
What is EIP
Early Intervention Programs (EIP) is a program that provides comprehensive services, to meet your child’s identified needs and concerns. EIP provides direct therapeutic services either through center-based sessions or home visits or virtual sessions.
As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our children with learning differences ought to receive early intervention services — services that involve therapy and educational support services to provide for a child’s unique needs during the early childhood years, giving them a head start in their development.
With high quality early intervention, a child will receive therapy and educational support services that are catered to his or her unique needs. This means that the child can have support to improve developmental outcomes, and he/she has a better chance of entering mainstream schools in the formal education system.
Signs of Developmental Delay or Missed Milestones
There are many different types of developmental delays in infants and young children. They include challenges with:
Language or speech
Movement – known as motor skills
Social and emotional skills
Thinking – known as cognitive skills
Vision or perceptual skill
With early intervention, a child will receive therapy and educational support services that are catered to his or her learning needs. This will be valuable for the child. Through early intervention programmes, one can provide therapy for the areas of challenges and improve developmental outcomes, and the child has a better chance of entering mainstream schools in the formal education system.
With delay in intervention, the child will lose valuable time within the first 6 years of his/her life, where good quality intervention could provide lifelong positive impact on his/her progress in life. The gaps between the child and his/her peers can also widen as the peers continue to develop at a pace that is beyond the child’s ability to catch up.